The Arizona Chemical wood pulp mill in Panama City, Florida sits within a stone's throw of the Gulf of Mexico.
Hey there TPG readers, CHECK THIS OUT!!! This article has been translated to Hatian Creole. I am both flattered and impressed at this unsolicited dissemination of TPG material. Quite cool :)
By Kristopher Hite

Here we have a case of clashing federal mandates. The EPA has required that steps be taken to reduce the size of the Gulf's dead zone while congress passed the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) in 2007 which requires the production of 36 billion gallons of biofuels by 2022. These two orders just will not jive with current agricultural practices.
Multinational biofuel manufactures are sitting pretty with the current federal mandate written in the fine print of the EISA but the citizenry need access to the knowledge buried in this recent paper to hold these companies accountable for the their potential environmental impacts. To the credit of cellulose-derived ethanol the amount of nutrients running off into the gulf would be reduced by 20% if all ethanol were to be derived from cellulose vs. corn. But either scenario will undoubtedly kill more organisms living in the gulf and increase the area of the dead zone.
Ethanol as a fuel source for transportation, home heating, and industry continues to be a double edged sword. After taking flack for driving up tortilla prices in Mexico there was a shift to talking up cellulosic ethanol in lieu of corn ethanol, but with evidence like this being presented it makes the process a harder sell. But who needs to make a sale when you've already made a long term deal with the feds?
From an applied research side I am encouraged to seek out the cutting edge of cellulosic ethanol manufacturing technology so that mandated production is done in the least wasteful way. This research lays inside fungal genomes. Scientists continue improving enzymes produced by millions of years of evolution by tweaking the amino acid sequences and increasing efficiency and stability of some very useful enzymes, in the case of deriving ethanol from the woody parts of plants (cellulose) these enzymes are called cellulases. They break down the long chains of linked sugars that constitute cellulose.

I am torn on this issue as I can see two futures coming of all this. One in which we have attained energy independence and are free to refine our energy equilibrium to the point of balance with the ecosystems in which we live. Or the other where our environment has completely eroded and we have no choice but to fight amongst each other for the scant resources still available. The technologist in me says "onward" while the environmentalist says "onward, but mindfully." In either scenario the ideal of efficiency is a positive one that can be easily applied locally by individuals adopting more mindful habits.
Note: This blog post was picked up by an editor at SEED magazine and turned into and e-cover story - The Dead Zone Dilemma. In this article Dave Munger questions my optimism and my advocacy as a scientist. In so doing he is questioning some basic tenets of scientific inquiry.
He asks - "Shouldn’t scientists just be interested in giving us the facts, staying removed from policy decisions and letting the general public and politicians decide how to act? Doesn’t becoming an advocate introduce bias into the scientific process, potentially tarnishing results?"
After contemplating these questions I responded in a post titled "Should Scientists Speak their Minds?"
Heinzelman, P., Snow, C., Smith, M., Yu, X., Kannan, A., Boulware, K., Villalobos, A., Govindarajan, S., Minshull, J., & Arnold, F. (2009). SCHEMA Recombination of a Fungal Cellulase Uncovers a Single Mutation That Contributes Markedly to Stability Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (39), 26229-26233 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.C109.034058
Costello, C., Griffin, W., Landis, A., & Matthews, H. (2009). Impact of Biofuel Crop Production on the Formation of Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico Environmental Science & Technology DOI: 10.1021/es9011433
1 comment:
Here is a letter I sent recently to Lisa Jackson, head of the EPA. I have yet to receive a reply.
Dear Ms. Jackson,
Congratulations on your appointment and I wish you great success.
In reading the EPA document just released, "Proposed Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under the Clean Air Act", I see that EPA included six gases for consideration. Tropospheric Ozone is not on the list, according to the report, because it behaves differently than the six listed (does not persist as long in the atmosphere) - and is already regulated as a hazard to human health, levels of which being monitored at theNational Ambient Air Quality section of EPA.
In visiting that website, it appears that regulations for those standards of acceptable concentrations were last revised in 1990, and that the emissions monitored are: Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Nitrogen Dioxide, Particulate Matter, Ozone and Sulfur Dioxide. However, in recent years the government has mandated the addition of ethanol to gasoline.
As you are no doubt aware, ethanol emissions produce acetaldehyde, the precursor to Peroxyacetyl Nitrates when reacting to UV radiation. PANs are well known to be detrimental to human health, and to vegetation, quite possibly more dangerous than Ozone.
Something in the atmosphere is killing the vegetation on the East Coast of the US (and perhaps elsewhere). I know the cause is atmospheric in nature, because the tell-tale symptoms of damaged stomata can be readily identified on every single species of tree or other vegetation - perennial, annual, and even aquatic. The foliage is unable to photosynthesize and produce chlorophyll. What I see is a rapidly accelerating ecosystem collapse which will inevitably lead to mass extinctions.
Aside from the impact on crops, the wholesale loss of trees will inevitably mean a massive reversal of CO2 absorption rates, thus contributing to global warming. Ethanol emissions should thus be considered as a seventh greenhouse gas in the new EPA regulations.
I strongly suggest the EPA get some researchers investigating this very urgent and neglected aspect of toxic, not to say lethal, invisible gases - if you have none already who are investigating the escalating use of ethanol and its impacts on trees and other plants.
I would very much appreciate a response. Specifically, I would like to know if EPA has been testing for acetaldehyde and/or PAN's; and if so, where and for how long in the past the records go; and how to access the data. If you are interested, there are photos documenting the damage and links to academic scientific research at www.witsendnj.blogspot.com.
Please feel free to contact me via email at witsendnj@yahoo.com if there is any aspect of my questions I could clarify.
Thank you,
Gail Zawacki
Oldwick, NJ
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