Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fort Collins For Iraq Withdrawal

The following links you to the non-binding resolution for Iraq withdrawal which has been presented to the Fort Collins City Council for the past several months.


Please show your support for this resolution by showing up to Fort Collins City Council meetings which are held at city hall at 300 Laporte Ave. on the first and third Tuesday of each month. at 6:00 PM there is 1/2 hour dedicated to public comment there is no requirement to stay for the entire meeting.

1 comment:

tompainesghost said...

also see the video of last weeks city council meeting 11/6/2007) at www.fcgov.com
At 15:33 I start my speech. Nancy York who speaks one speech after mine is the president of the fort Collins Green Party. She is the person that got me involved with this after speaking to her at the Sustainable living fair.