Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mr. O'Reilly's head explodes during conversation with intelligent woman.

"Everyone, all the crazies, come and comment."
~Megyn Kelly

In O'Reilly's head the atheist's message is "hateful" and therefore should be censored as violating the decorum standards set by the state of Washington. This is an Opinion. Celebrating the birth of a child conceived after a ghost impregnated a betrothed virgin could also be considered hateful. The wall of separations allows every single person the right to their opinion. Mr. O'Reilly toils to bring that wall down while reaping his fortune because of its very existence.


Anonymous said...

I motion to open the box. Let us put everything on the table. After this let's yank out the table from underneath it all and then smash the box into chips for mulching.

Anonymous said...

I second the motion. The question then becomes, where are the public forums to be held in physical space? I don't think any reasonable person would want the national forests/parks plastered with pictures of mutilated fetuses and F### Bush signs. I have a vision of a giant 20 story tall wreath or bald eagle cut-out filled with magnifiable tiles with every faction's creed displayed in some public square. Arch-libertarianism needs to be checked with some federal sanctions so a form of the "social contract" can keep the peace. The extent to which the checks and balances of the federal government brush up against our individual lives is explained well by Jefferson. He wrote to the Danbury Baptists of his desire for the federal government to have the tendency "to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties."

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong for a liberal to be obsessed with O'Reilly? I just can't help but watch to hear the next uneducated, obtuse, ridiculous thing he says! And I love Megyn Kelly!

Anonymous said...

If God did not have Mary's consent, is God thus a rapist?