Thursday, September 7, 2017

Sustainability, Hurricane Irma, Race, and Book Club

Ah Tom Paine's Ghost, I've been neglecting you to broadcast my thoughts more directly through Facebook and twitter. At least I syndicate the later here on the sidebar.
As we are now in the late third trimester of the Trump administration I want to get back to my roots on the web, reconnect with my blogging, and re-enter with some broader dialogues on Climate-Change and how the manifestations like Hurricane Irma bring the land ethic preached by Wendell Berry, Edward Abbey, and Aldo Leopold smashing (both metaphorically and physically) into the people-centered ethic preached by Dr. Martin Luther King and the long list of philosophers who hold human rights, and social justice at the top of the reformers to-do list. This ethical crossroads is grossly apparent when regions of the United States affected most dramatically by ensuring climate chaos are those regions who simultaneously experience the legacy of racial injustice.

So why talk about sustainability in a moment of immediacy, a moment when thumbing your nose at bottled water seems blithely out of touch with the immediate needs of flood victims?  Well, a deep ecological consciousness-raising followed by a massive political movement is the only way I can see to grab hold of the wheel and turn this ship around.  So where to start? If you like podcasts I have a recommendation - Think Sustainability -  this Austrailian podcast is a non-pretentious incredibly entertaining show with very doable advice. Last year while on a cross-country road-trip my wife and I listened to a bunch of episodes. One of our favorites was this one guiding listeners on home-compost best practices.

Remembering how impactful listening to this podcast was on me is inspiring and makes want to kick off my own podcast.   For the last year, I have been organizing a Men's Book Club.  I am considering spinning off some of our conversations into a monthly podcast.  Stay tuned for the premiere of "Chlorathropolis" podcast!

Comment here in if you'd like to be a guest and get on our first-year schedule.