Monday, November 24, 2008

Somali Pirates

Piracy be relevant t` th` world we live in... both historically an` currently b`lieve `t or nay. When I began t` hear reports about Somali Sea dogs, I couldna help but think o` them featured in Th` Life Aquatic, LOL. "Do th` interns get glocks? Nay, they be havin` t` share one." :-) This inspired me t` write a seafarin` hearty song on me poetry blog :-) O` course, i couldna a done this without a th` use o` th` online english t` pirate translation software. Check 't ou' an' be havin' some fun wi' 't if yer into this sort o' thin' :-)


Anonymous said...

Ahoy! Arrrg! Shiver me timbers! Twas a righteous post in this uneasy sea of information. Arrrg.

Anonymous said...

Us here in Davy Jones' locker be wonderin' how Tom Paine's ghost be feelin' on this country's high holiday, buoyed as it is on the blood of millions of Injuns. Enlighten?

tompainesghost said...

This is the third time I have tried to respond to you oh anonymous one for the keepers of the inter-web must be angry with me. Point well taken. If this happens to be a friend of mine with a first name beginning with a "T" and ending with an "i" I suggest you take the first stab at a bona-fide post on the topic. Agreed that this time of year is an excellent one to make your point. I would like to add in my part to get the ball rolling. nothing any person could type could sum up the magnitude of sadness and horror that has been wrought on Native Americans by the disease and warfare of the European invasion. But, Just as with slavery the question has to be asked. Should we now live with a burden of guilt so great that we can not move to save ourselves? I don't think we should pay for the sins of our forebears but we might whether we like it or not. What we ARE able to do is to learn from the past and try to keep the lessons (that are often lost) from the surviving records of Native American life and practices, in the forefront of our memory banks. A little known fact is that Native American ethics played a key role in the crafting of the Declaration of Independence. A party of Iroquoi (or Haudenoshonee as they call themselves) from present day New York state stayed many nights with the founding fathers in independence hall in Phildelphia, PA where the declaration was conceived. The Idea of a league of independent tribes (or colonies) with agreement on universally accepted practices (a constitution) while maintaining respect for the individuality of the each tribes. Also, an understanding that if one tribe was in trouble the others were there to assist (United we stand). Remembering and reinvigorating these cultural memes passed down from the Haudenoshonee and many others, that are embedded in the DNA of our country will honor what the Native Americans have contributed to the cause of America. Though we are generations removed from the slaughter of free peoples within own boarders we can not forget our sordid history so we are not doomed to repeat it.

Anonymous said...

greenninja...where have you been? i have missed your posts this week!!

Dominick said...

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